In episode 2 of my Flamenco & Intersectionality series, I invite my colleagues Leslie Roybal (@Leslie.Roybal) and Arielle Rosales (@ArielleRosales) to discuss the monolith of “latinidad”, the stain of colonialism, the problems of cultural gatekeeping, and navigation of trauma from their own personal perspectives. In this discussion, we take a look at the pervasiveness of colonial, imperial, and systemic racist practices within institutions and the arts-at-large that affect artist (flamenco and non-flamenco) across the board, and the kind of healing work that has to be done starting from within oneself to make lasting changes. Addressing the disadvantages that affect many within the flamenco community, and what it means to be a Latinx person from the United States working in this percussive art form by recontextualizing it away from the white-washed narrative. Link to Flamenco Festival Albuquerque lecture clip mentioned in the discussion: • FFALBQ Flamenco in the Americas